John Wolff's Web Museum

20-note Organette Music - Celestina, Symphonia, Seraphone.


Start of 20-note tune sheet

This page presents a collection of 20-note organette music from the 1880s, originally recorded on paper music rolls and now preserved in computer format as freely downloadable MIDI files.

Paper music rolls from the 1880s and 90s were the first affordable media for mass distribution of recorded music to the general public, long before the phonograph became established as a household item during the 1900s. The rolls contain a broad range of traditional songs, operatic songs and choruses, popular and music-hall songs, dance tunes, comic songs, religious songs and hymns, and military songs and marches, which together form an important part of the historical record. These MIDI files will reproduce the music of the time, exactly as our ancestors heard it in their homes on their mechanical organettes.

The Aeolian "Celestina" was the best known of the American-style 20-note organettes. It was one of several table-top reed organs mass-produced by the Munroe Organ Reed Company and distributed by the Mechanical Orguinette Company (later the Aeolian Organ and Music Company). Similar instruments were available from other suppliers, including the "Symphonia" from Wilcox & White in the USA and the "Seraphone" in the U.K.

The Celestina, Seraphone, and Symphonia all used the same musical scale of 20 notes spanning almost three octaves, but with many notes omitted. The usual scale runs from MIDI note 44 (G#) to 77 (F), but the actual pitch may vary by one or two notes either way. Transposing the lowest note up to C gives the more familar scale:
 C F G Bb C D E F F# G Ab A Bb B C D E F G A

The three instruments all used music from the same catalog, which was presumably sourced from or through the Munroe company. The Celestina and Seraphone used the same rolls and the same roll numbers. The Symphonia used the same music, but with a different spool and a different numbering system. 20-note rolls were also produced by others, and there was quite an industry in "pirate" copies.

To prepare these MIDI files, the vintage rolls and "tune sheets" from my own collection were transcribed by hand or scanned electronically into computer format. They were then digitally "re-mastered" to re-align the note starts and ends with the original perforator grid, and edited where necessary to remove the effects of age and wear, and to correct any obvious timing or punching errors in the original sheets. Details were added to the MIDI file headers, and the transcriptions were checked again, often more than once. Details of the transcription process are provided on the Preserving the original music page.

The resulting files are electronic "master rolls" which conform to the original punching and timing specifications. They can be played directly on a computer or synthesiser, or used with suitable machinery to produce exact duplicates of the original paper rolls. Several hundred such rolls have been produced for my own use and for others.

Resources for further information.

Navigating this page.

The left-hand column below lists published music rolls in numerical order by manufacturer and shows the tunes on each. Mechanical Orguinette/Aeolian rolls are prefixed A; those from Wilcox & White with W. The table on the right-hand side lists all the individual tunes in alphabetical order. Tunes may appear in more than one roll, in the same or different arangements.

Clicking a tune title in the "Listing by Roll" will take you to the tune details in the "Listing by Tune". Clicking the title here will play the tune on whatever MIDI player your browser uses. ("VanBasco's Karaoke Player" works well, and will display the details in the MIDI file header. The quality of the sound you hear will depend on how well your computer plays the General MIDI "Reed Organ" patch). Clicking the roll number in the right-hand table will take you back to the roll listing. Clicking the roll number in the roll listing will show the original roll label (if available).

Listing by Roll

Listing by Tune

Aeolian/Mechanical Orguinette Rolls

A300 series - religious songs.

A301 - six hymns
1. Nearer my God to Thee
2. Sweet bye and bye
3. I need Thee every hour
4. Precious promise
5. Jesus, lover of my soul
6. Rock of ages
Roll length 6.0m, duration 3:53.

A304 - Abide With Me
1. Abide With Me (4 verses).
Roll length 6.0m, duration 3:56.

A308 - six hymns
1. Abide with me
2. Onward, Christian soldiers
3. Jerusalem the golden
4. Lead, kindly light
5. Hark! Hark! My soul
6. Sun of my soul
Roll length 8.1m, duration 5:18.

A313 - six hymns
1. All the way my Saviour leads
2. Greenville
3. He will hide me
4. I want to be an angel
5. Jesus loves even me
6. Must Jesus bear the cross alone?
Roll length 6.1m, duration 3:59.

A317 - five hymn tunes
1. Angelus (missing)
2. Hollingside (incomplete)
3. Harlem
4. Stella
5. Trinity
Roll length 3.2m, duration 2.04.

A361 - two hymns
1. Hold The Fort (4 verses).
2. Come To The Saviour (3 verses).
Roll length 6.7m, duration 4:25.

A400 series - popular songs.

A402 - four songs
1. Only a pansy blossom
2. Peek-a-boo
3. Wait till the clouds roll by
4. Mollie Darling
Roll length 7.0m, duration 4:36.

A406 - four songs
1. Sweet violets
2. Fritz's cuckoo song
3. Fritz's lullaby
4. The little German home across the sea
Roll length 6.5m, duration 4:18.

A423 - five Irish songs
1. St. Patrick's day
2. Rory O'More
3. Wearing of the green
4. Lanigan's ball
5. Tramp, tramp
Roll length 4.8m, duration 3:08.

A425 - five songs
1. Home sweet home
2. Annie Laurie
3. Darling Nellie Gray
4. Old folks at home
4. She wore a wreath of roses
Roll length 6.5m, duration 4:17.

A433 - four songs
1. Last rose of summer (Same as W206-2)
2. Sweet bye and bye (Same as A301-2)
3. Home sweet home (Same as A425-1)
4. Old folks at home (Same as A425-4)
Roll length 6.0m, duration 3:56.

A434 - four Scotch songs
1. John Anderson, my Jo
2. Jock o' Hazeldean
3. Bonnie Prince Charlie
4. Scotch Lassie Jean
Roll length 5.6m, duration 3:43.

A486 - four Irish songs
1. Captain Jinks
2. The Mulligan Guard
3. Our Torchlight Parade
4. Solid for Mulhooley
Roll length 7.2m, duration 4:46.

A500 series - opera.

A501 - "The Bohemian Girl" (Balfe, 1843)
1. The heart bowed down
2. I dreamt that I dwelt
3. Then you'll remember me
4. Chorus - Finale
Roll length 6.1m, duration 4:02.

A503 - "Patience" (Sullivan, 1881)
1. Prithee pretty maiden (missing)
2. The magnet and the churn
3. I hear the soft note
4. When I first put this uniform on
5. A Japanese young man
Roll length 6.2m, duration 3:56.

A508 - "Mascotte" and "Olivette" (Audran, 1879-80)
1. Drinking song (missing)
2. Coaching Chorus (incomplete)
3. Bob Up Serenely
4. The Torpedo and the Whale
Roll length 2.7m, duration 1:48.

A512 - "The Chimes of Normandy" (Planquette, 1887)
1. All who for servants
2. Legend of the bells
3. With joy my heart
4. Silent heroes
Roll length 8.4m, duration 5:32.

A524 - "The Mikado" (Sullivan, 1885)
1. See how the fates (incomplete)
2. Here's a how-de-do
3. There is beauty in the bellow
Roll length 4.9m, duration 3:13.

A600 series - dances and marches.

A601 - three waltzes
1. Blue Danube Waltz
2. Wine, Women And Song
3. Valse Des Roses
Roll length 6.2m, duration 4:06.

A604 - four polkas
1. Bric-a-brac polka (incomplete)
2. Jenny Lind polka
3. King Pippin polka
4. Kutschke polka
Roll length 4.5m, duration 2:59.

A607 - seven short tunes
1. Fisher's Hornpipe
2. Durang's Hornpipe
3. The Arkansas Traveller
4. Garry Owen
5. Devil's Dream
6. Speed The Plough
7. Irish Washerwoman
Roll length 7.0m, duration 4:35.

A613 - three waltzes
1. My Queen Waltz
2. Dream Faces Waltz
3. Ehren on the Rhine Waltz
Roll length 5.9m, duration 3:52.

A615 - Sweethearts Waltz (d'Albert, 1875)
1. Sweethearts Waltz
Roll length 5.9m, duration 3:54.

A652 - three marches
1. Hail to the chief
2. Bonaparte's march
3. The Spanish retreat
Roll length 9.3m, duration 6:04.

A700 series - international.

A702 - six German songs
1. Die Wacht am Rhein
2. Deutschland Uber Alles
3. Die Zebrochene Ringlein
4. Die Drei Reiter
5. Der Gute Kamerad
6. Der Tannenbaum
Roll length 6.6m, duration 4:19.

A704 - Marseillaise Hymn
1. Marseillaise Hymn (4 verses)
Roll length 7.85m, duration 4:11.

A1000 series.

By the late 1880s some of the "hundreds" series
of numbers had all been used. The 400 series
then continued at 4000, 600 at 6000, etc.

A4005 - three songs.
1. Home Sweet Home
2. Last Rose of Summer
3. Listen To The Mocking Bird
Roll length 6.1m, duration 4:01.

A6070 - Washington Post March
1. Washington Post March
Roll length 4.9m, duration 3:14.

Wilcox & White "Symphonia" Rolls.

W103 - six hymns
(Also as Celestina Roll 323).
1. Sweet hour of prayer
2. The home over there
3. Safe in the arms of Jesus
4. Where is my boy tonight
5. Trusting Jesus, that is all
6. Work for the night is coming
Roll length 7.0m, duration 4:35.

W106 - five hymns
1. Let the lower lights be burning
2. Shall we meet beyond the river?
3. Repeat the story o'er and o'er
4. Ninety and nine
5. Safe in the arms of Jesus
Roll length 5.8m, duration 3:50.

W109 - five hymns
(Also as Celestina Roll 315).
1. Scatter seeds of kindness
2. Ring the bells of Heaven
3. Hold the fort
4. What a friend we have in Jesus
5. Precious Name
Roll length 5.2m, duration 3:25.

W112 - six hymns
(Also as Celestina Roll 334).
1. Come to the Saviour
2. Knocking, knocking, who is there?
3. Near the cross
4. Nothing but leaves
5. Tempted and tried
6. When Jesus comes
Roll length 5.5m, duration 3:38.

W146 - two hymns
(Also as Celestina Roll 341).
1. Jesus, lover of my soul (4 verses)
2. Rock of ages (3 verses)
Roll length 6.9m, duration 4:32.

W202 - four Stephen Foster songs
(Also as Celestina Roll 403).
1. Swanee River
2. My old Kentucky home
3. Massa's in the cold ground
4. Old dog Tray
Roll length 6.8m, duration 4:30.

W206 - four songs
(Also as Celestina Roll 413).
1. Listen to the mocking bird
2. Last rose of summer
3. Blue Bells of Scotland
4. Auld lang syne
Roll length 6.2m, duration 4:06.

W210 - four US Civil War songs
(Also as Celestina Roll 435).
1. Star spangled banner
2. Rally round the flag
3. Marching through Georgia
4. Tramp, tramp
Roll length 5.7m, duration 3:48.

W211 - four US Civil War songs
(Also as Celestina Roll 437).
1. Hail Columbia
2. Red, white and blue
3. Tenting Tonight
4. My Maryland
Roll length 6.7m, duration 4:19.

W219 - Yankee Doodle medley
0. Yankee Doodle Medley (As medley, with transitions).
1. Yankee Doodle
2. When Johnny comes marching home
3. We won't go home till morning
4. Upidee
Roll length 6.1m, duration 4:02.

W233 - four songs
(Also as Celestina Roll 410).
1. Grandfather's clock
2. Near the little cottage door
3. In the gloaming
4. Old log cabin in the lane
Roll length 6.5m, duration 4:15.

W238 - four songs
1. Take this letter to my mother
2. When you and I were young
3. Sweet Belle Mahone
4. Rock me to sleep, Mother
Roll length 6.9m, duration 4:33.

W239 - four songs
1. My southern sunny home
2. Bonnie blue flag
3. Ring the bell, watchman
4. Swim out for glory
Roll length 8.0m, duration 5:15.

W244 - four songs
(Also as Celestina Roll 420).
1. Gathering shells by the sea-shore
2. When you and I were young
3. The gypsy's warning
4. Cherry ripe
Roll length 7.4m, duration 4:52.

W269 - Operatic and popular medley
(Also as Celestina Roll 449).
1. Operatic and popular medley
Roll length 8.4m, duration 5:34.

W517 - Money Musk
(Also as Celestina Roll 644).
1. Money Musk (Scottish dance).
Roll length 5.8m, duration 3:50.

W538 - two Varsouvianas
(Also as Celestina Roll 649).
0. Two Varsouvianas (played without a break).
1. Silver Lake Varsouviana (as separate tunes).
2. The Celebrated Varsouviana
Roll length 7.0m, duration 4:36.

W746 - El Dia Quadrilla
1. El Dia Quadrilla - Figure 1
2. El Dia Quadrilla - Figure 2
3. El Dia Quadrilla - Figure 3
4. El Dia Quadrilla - Figure 4
5. El Dia Quadrilla - Figure 5
Roll length 17.7m, duration 11:43.

W909 - Auld Lang Syne
1. Auld Lang Syne (4 verses, prelude and interludes).
Roll length 6.0m, duration 4:02.

W910 - Home Sweet Home
1. Home Sweet Home (4 verses, prelude and interludes).
Roll length 6.7m, duration 4:27.

W-40 - Down Went McGinty (First digit illegible).
1. Down Went McGinty (Comic song, 4 verses).
Roll length 5.3m, duration 3:29.

Unknown Roll Numbers.

X105 - Pins And Needles Galop
1. Pins And Needles Galop
Roll length 5.5m, duration 3:38.

X106 - Unknown Dance Roll
1. Unknown Dance Roll
Roll length 6.5m, duration 4:14.

Religious tunes.

Abide With Me Monk 1861 A308 0:47 1.20
Abide With Me (4 verses, with interludes). Monk 1861 A304 3:56 6.0
All The Way My Saviour Leads Lowry   A313 0:44 1.13
Come To The Saviour Root 1870 W112 0:37 0.95
Come To The Saviour (3 verses). Root 1870 A361 1:53 2.87
Greenville Rosseau   A313 0:47 1.20
Harlem     A317 0:35 0.90
Hark! Hark! MySoul Dykes 1868 A308 1:08 1.73
He Will Hide Me McGranahan   A313 0:43 1.08
Hold The Fort Bliss 1870 W109 0:38 0.95
Hold The Fort (4 verses). Bliss 1870 A361 2:32 3.86
I Need Thee Every Hour     A301 0:35 0.90
I Want To Be An Angel     A313 0:28 0.72
Jerusalem The Golden Ewing 1853 A308 0:47 1.20
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul     A301 0:42 1.08
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul (4 verses). Holbrook 1862 W146 2:53 4.39
Jesus Loves Even Me Bliss 1870 A313 0:35 0.90
Knocking, Knocking, Who Is There? Root 1870 W112 0:30 0.75
Lead, Kindly Light Dykes 1861 A308 0:57 1.46
Let The Lower Lights Be Burning Bliss 1871 W106 0:43 1.08
Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone? Allen   A313 0:42 1.07
Near The Cross. Doane 1869 W112 0:36 0.90
Nearer My God To Thee Mason   A301 0:35 0.89
Ninety And Nine Sankey 1874 W106 0:50 1.28
Nothing But Leaves     W112 0:32 0.80
Onward, Christian Soldiers Sullivan   A308 0:56 1.43
Precious Name Doane 1871 W109 0:48 1.20
Precious Promise     A301 0:52 1.34
Repeat The Story O'er And O'er Bliss 1879 W106 0:38 0.96
Ring The Bells Of Heaven. Root 1866 W109 0:37 0.94
Rock Of Ages     A301 0:32 0.81
Rock Of Ages (3 verses). Hastings 1830 W146 1:39 2.52
Safe In The Arms Of Jesus Doane   W103 0:58 1.46
Safe In The Arms Of Jesus (Simpler arrangement). Doane   W106 0:56 1.43
Scatter Seeds Of Kindness. Smith 1870 W109 0:37 0.94
Shall We Meet Beyond The River? Rice 1866 W106 0:43 1.08
Stella     A317 0:54 1.36
Sun Of My Soul Monk   A308 0:43 1.08
Sweet Bye And Bye     A301, A433 0:37 0.95
Sweet Hour Of Prayer Bradbury 1861 W103 0:55 1.40
Sweet Hour Of Prayer (See Note 1 below) Bradbury 1861 W103 0:55 1.40
Tempted And Tried McGranahan 1877 W112 0:27 0.69
Trinity     A317 0:35 0.90
Trusting Jesus, That Is All Sankey   W103 0:42 1.08
What A Friend We Have In Jesus Converse 1868 W109 0:46 1.18
When Jesus Comes Bliss 1872 W112 0:57 1.43
Work For The Night Is Coming Mason 1864 W103 0:38 0.96

Secular tunes.

A Japanese Young Man Sullivan 1881 A503 0:42 1.07
All Who For Servants Planquette 1887 A512 1:20 2.03
Annie Laurie     A425 0:47 1.20
Arkansas Traveller, The     A607 0:38 0.97
Auld Lang Syne     W206 0:38 0.97
Auld Lang Syne
   (4 verses, prelude and interludes).
    W909 4:02 6.01
Battle Cry of Freedom (Rally Round The Flag) Root 1862 W210 0:38 0.97
Blue Bells Of Scotland     W206 0:47 1.19
Blue Danube Waltz Strauss 1866 A601 1:37 2.19
Bob Up Serenely Audran 1879 A508 0:37 0.93
Bonaparte's March     A652 1:53 2.88
Bonnie Blue Flag, The McCarthy 1861 W239 1:11 1.80
Bonnie Prince Charlie     A434 1:14 1.87
Captain Jinks Lingard   A486 0:42 1.07
Celebrated Varsouviana, The Knight 1859 W538 1:04 1.62
Cherry Ripe Horn   W244 2:12 3.31
Chorus - Finale (From The Bohemian Girl) Balfe 1843 A501 0:38 0.96
Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean (Red, White And Blue)     W211 0:57 1.44
Darling Nellie Gray Hanby 1856 A425 0:47 1.20
Der Gute Kamerad     A702 0:57 1.44
Der Tannenbaum     A702 0:42 1.07
Deutschland Uber Alles     A702 0:37 0.94
Devil's Dream     A607 0:38 0.97
Die Drei Reiter     A702 0:32 0.82
Die Wacht am Rhein     A702 0:48 1.22
Die Zebrochene Ringlein     A702 0:43 1.08
Down Went McGinty Flynn 1889 W-40 3:20 5.31
Dream Faces Waltz Hutchison   A613 1:46 2.69
Durang's Hornpipe     A607 0:38 0.97
Ehren On The Rhine Waltz     A613 1:10 1.79
El Dia Quadrilla - Figure 1     W746 1:25 2.15
El Dia Quadrilla - Figure 2     W746 2:04 3.12
El Dia Quadrilla - Figure 3     W746 3:03 4.58
El Dia Quadrilla - Figure 4     W746 2:42 4.07
El Dia Quadrilla - Figure 5     W746 1:25 2.15
Fisher's Hornpipe     A607 0:38 0.97
Fritz's Cuckoo Song Emmet 1879 A406 0:57 1.45
Fritz's Lullaby Emmet 1865 A406 1:14 1.85
Garry Owen     A607 0:42 1.08
Gathering Shells By The Sea-shore Thompson 1875 W244 0:58 1.46
Grandfather's Clock Work 1876 W233 0:57 1.44
Gypsy's Warning, The Goard 1864 W244 0:47 1.20
Hail Columbia     W211 0:49 1.27
Hail To The Chief Scott/Sanderson   A652 1:53 2.87
Heart Bowed Down, The Balfe 1843 A501 1:18 1.98
Here's A How-De-Do Sullivan 1885 A524 1:12 1.82
Home Sweet Home     A425, A433 0:54 1.38
Home Sweet Home     A4005 1:21 2.07
Home Sweet Home
   (4 verses, prelude and interludes).
    W910 4:27 6.68
I Dreamt That I Dwelt Balfe 1843 A501 1:12 1.82
I Hear The Soft Note Sullivan 1881 A503 1:31 2.57
In The Gloaming Harrison 1877 W233 0:57 1.46
Irish Washerwoman     A607 0:43 1.08
Jenny Lind Polka Wallerstein 1846 A604 0:47 1.19
Jock o' Hazeldean Scott   A434 0:39 0.99
John Anderson, My Jo Burns   A434 0:39 0.99
King Pippin Polka d'Albert 1860 A604 0:47 1.20
Kutschke Polka Stasny 1879 A604 1:25 2.16
Lanigan's Ball Glover   A423 0:35 0.88
Last Rose Of Summer     A433, W206 1:25 2.25
Last Rose Of Summer     A4005 1:06 1.68
Legend Of The Bells Planquette 1887 A512 1:14 1.87
Listen To The Mocking Bird Winner 1855 A4005 1:25 2.40
Listen To The Mocking Bird Winner 1855 W206 1:11 1.80
Little German Home Across The Sea, The Collins 1877 A406 0:57 1.44
Magnet And The Churn, The Sullivan 1881 A503 0:51 1.30
Marching Through Georgia Work 1866 W210 0:57 1.44
Marseillaise Hymn (4 verses) deLisle 1792 A704 4:08 7.60
Massa's In The Cold Ground. Foster 1852 W202 1:34 2.38
Mollie Darling Hays 1871 A402 1:06 1.67
Money Musk Dow 1776 W517 3:50 5.76
Mulligan Guard, The Braham 1873 A486 2:04 3.14
My Maryland     W211 1:22 2.16
My Old Kentucky Home Foster 1853 W202 0:58 1.46
My Queen Waltz Coote   A613 0:56 1.43
My Southern Sunny Home Hays 1864 W239 1:12 1.81
Near The Little Cottage Door Weston 1875 W233 1:11 1.80
Old Dog Tray Foster 1853 W202 0:47 1.19
Old Folks At Home (Swanee River) Foster 1851 A425, A433 0:57 1.43
Old Folks At Home (Swanee River) Foster 1851 W202 1:07 1.79
Old Log Cabin In The Lane Chamberlain 1875 W233 1:10 1.77
Only A Pansy Blossom Howard   A402 1:13 1.87
Operatic And Popular Medley     W269 5:34 8.37
Our Torchlight Parade Mullaly   A486 1:08 1.72
Peek-A-Boo Scanlan 1881 A402 1:06 1.67
Pins And Needles Galop Winner 1877 X105 3:38 5.46
Red, White And Blue See Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean          
Rally Round The Flag See Battle Cry Of Freedom.          
Ring The Bell, Watchman Work 1865 W239 1:36 2.42
Rock Me To Sleep, Mother Leslie 1862 W238 1:28 2.20
Rory O'More Lover   A423 0:42 1.08
Scotch Lassie Jean Miller 1873 A434 1:11 1.80
See How The Fates (Missing first 16 bars) Sullivan 1885 A524 1:10 1.77
She Wore A Wreath Of Roses     A425 0:52 1.31
Silent Heroes Planquette 1887 A512 2:02 3.09
Silver Lake Varsouviana Montgomery 1859 W538 3:33 5.39
Solid For Mulhooley Don   A486 0:52 1.31
Spanish Retreat, The     A652 2:18 3.52
Speed The Plough     A607 0:38 0.96
Star Spangled Banner Key   W210 1:05 1.85
St. Patrick's Day     A423 0:35 0.88
Swim Out For Glory Connolly 1880 W239 1:17 1.97
Swanee River See Old Folks At Home          
Sweet Belle Mahone McNaughton 1867 W238 0:57 1.43
Sweet Violets Emmet 1882 A406 1:10 1.78
Sweethearts Waltz d'Albert   A615 3:54 5.95
Take This LetterTo My Mother Hays 1873 W238 1:12 1.80
Tenting Tonight Kittredge 1863 W211 1:11 1.78
Then You'll Remember Me Balfe 1843 A501 0:54 1.39
There Is Beauty In The Bellow Sullivan 1885 A524 0:51 1.29
Torpedo And The Whale, The Audran 1879 A508 0:52 1.31
Tramp, Tramp Root 1861 A423 0:38 0.96
Tramp, Tramp Root 1861 W210 0:57 1.44
Unknown Dance Roll     X106 4:14 6.49
   Fourth tune in
Yankee Doodle Medley.
Valse des Roses Metra 1861 A601 1:11 1.79
Varsouvianas, Two (See W538).     W538 4:36 7.01
Wait Till The Clouds Roll By Fulmer   A402 1:11 1.79
Washington Post March Sousa 1889 A6070 3:14 4.92
We Won't Go Home Till Morning
    Third tune in
Yankee Doodle Medley.
Wearing Of The Green     A423 0:38 0.96
When I First Put This Uniform On Sullivan 1881 A503 0:52 1.21
When Johnny Comes Marching Home
    Second tune in
Yankee Doodle Medley.
When You And I Were Young (See Note 2 below) Butterfield 1865 W238 0:57 1.45
When You And I Were Young (See Note 2 below) Butterfield 1865 W244 0:57 1.45
Where Is My Boy Tonight Lowry 1878 W103 0:43 1.10
Wine, Women And Song Strauss 1869 A601 2.23 1:29
With Joy My Heart Planquette 1887 A512 0:56 1.43
Yankee Doodle
    First tune in
Yankee Doodle Medley.
Yankee Doodle Medley     W219 4:02 6.06

Note 1. Second version W103-1a edited to remove doubtful Accel at 39 seconds.

Note 2. W238-2 has chord Eb-Bb-Eb-Ab in bar 20 (43 seconds); W244-2 has Eb-C-Eb-Ab. In W244 the two opening Ab notes are 1 punch step shorter than in W238. Otherwise the two versions are identical.

Original text and images Copyright © John Wolff 2001-2025.
Page Created: 1 August 2024. Last Updated: 30 January 2025.
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